a crutch
a brick / a glass / a vase /
a work of literature
a literary work
a whole
a point of departure
a different effort altogether
a site of Caracol in Belize
a much broader, yet detailed, perspective
a walker
a slight ridge
a lidar's overhead view
a straight line for hundreds of meters
a sight of satisfaction
a stringed instrument
a virtue of its substance
a mine
a chinese poem
a mountain
a forest
a patch of moss
a scrap of literary chinese
a thing
a nomadic life
a state of perpetual transformation
a poem
a piece of english
a wealthy buddhist painter
a small poem
a massive horizontal landscape
a word
a ~ingJe syUabJe
a person
a purely phonetic element
a "j" sound (the zh is ~)
a heavily aspirated "s"
a hard "c"
a transliteration
a leveled forest of diacritical marks
a monosyllable
a western language
a trope
a single character
a rose is all roses
a place-name
a map of Illinois
a buddha preached
a few possible readings
a notebook of literal chinese
a japanese informant
a new poetry in english
a lovely subtlety
a note
a voice
a grove
a haze of opium
a hundred thimbles of wine
a world where no statement can be made
a pregnant, sensitive, work-weary ellipsis
a voice
a tradition
a poetic image
a decorator's delight
a classic example
a translator's unspoken content
a spiritual exercise
a bad translation
a gesture
a general and not terribly bright remark
a steal from Eliot
a ray of sunlight
a great while
a far off voice
a few know some
a rather clutzy four lines
a 20th century american
a prolific and particularly fine translator
a telegraphic minimalism
a character
a critic
a translator
a later version
a narrator
a group
a family outing
a jolt to the system
a spiritual experience
a confirmation of my suspicion
a very precise meaning
a sense inverse
a revelation
a specific time of day
a moment
a metaphor
a patch of moss
a title
a general statement
a half-
a walk
a spiritual experience
a "complement of place"
a literal translation
a finished translation
a trope
a luminous, original study
a translation
a man on the deserted bill
a typographical error
a three-volume set
a foreign word
a rock or bug
a leap from dictionnary to dictionnary
a reimagining of the poem
a different – not merely another – reading
a state of restless change
a lesser extent
a parallel exploration
a corpus
a small erotic poem
a line
a ballad
a rich assonance
a small similarity
a Pound
a verbal unity
a useless question
a great poet
a great extent
a success
a chapter
a pity
a ductile talent
a serious omission
a four syllable line
a true counterpoint
a line of nine syllables
a trunCated hendecasyllable
a great deal
a forest
a manner of speaking
a great. deal
a furious letter
a series of essays
an artificial limb
an infinite supply
a labyrinth
a rustle of language
an age of masters
an eye on legs
an absolute humility (towards the text)
an angle the sun's rays (at ~)
an angle (at ~)
an implicit narrator
an affinity
an image that makes little sense on the forest floor
an extreme
an allusion
an endless series of negations
an illusion
an empty glass
an albatross
an Elizabethan pastorale echoing
an experience of the void
an american poem
an exact moment
an act of translation
an enormous poetic freshness
an energetic language
an alternate meaning
an individual work
an alien language
an aircraft
[ a lovely subtlety
on the words
on the field
her voice
1. Vaste terrain ]
a voice ]
they have no voice
they are nearly paralytic
wait for someone
to come and read them
the voice of things
fare fagotto
[ 2. forêt de souffles
[ a trope,
a single character in the vicinity of roses
(can be misleading)
another trope
leads to
3. labyrinthe ]
[ contains
surrounded by
a rich assonance
a place (Ort (lieu))
a box
a paradox
4. Charpente ]
[ a far-off voice
every limb as tired
as a person
tuning, hover left
and move the lilacs
into the sun
to 5. Un lieu peu sûr ]
[ a pregnant, sensitive,
work-weary ellipsis
choose screw type
6. L'imprimerie ]